Boston Real Estate Investors Association

Most Searched-for Products on Amazon

Most Searched-for Products on Amazon

Does the Amazon truck swing by your home or office on a regular basis?  There is a very good chance that it does just like millions of other people all across the nation.  Today’s infographic from Visual Capitalist does a deep-dive into what exactly people are searching for on that big shopping behemoth.  In fact, they report that over half of all searches are for electronics…..Remember when they just sold books???  Stay safe and have a Happy Friday!!

“When it comes to searching for products online, a majority of U.S. shoppers go directly to Amazon. Thanks to this widespread use, product searches on Amazon provide interesting insights into current consumer behavior, including what shoppers have been focusing on in 2020”

Hat tip to the Visual Capitalist.


The post Most Searched-for Products on Amazon appeared first on Real Estate Investing Today.

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